How do I become a filmmaker without film school? – Masters In Documentary Filmmaking Workshops Nyc

The basics:

Get a job. Work in an industry with a clear idea of what you want to do. It can be anything — a job at Disney, a job at a video store or a freelance job. Have a camera and a computer. Learn all the tools and techniques necessary to get a video made, as a video editor, in a small studio (say 8×10). I know of no industry where that’s easier than at home.

SNURF Fellows 2017
It would be great to learn from someone else in one of those jobs, but you can also do that on your own. This could happen at home if you are very good and know how to get things done, or it could even happen when you go to film school. Your job’s expectations are probably different from someone who works in a corporate office. For example, most major studios will have no problem hiring someone willing to take a job for free if they can help with editing, a production assistant if they’re a student, etc. For freelancers, the idea is to get some training with your project (but you should probably wait until you get a job!) Then find another project from which to learn.

The job you choose can be very helpful, but be prepared to take on more responsibilities in addition. Your first job shouldn’t be as good as it could be (especially if you know how to make a video), so you’ll need to learn to focus more on the work and not on how you’ll be paid.

The job you choose can be very helpful, but be prepared to take on more responsibilities in addition. Your first job shouldn’t be as good as it could be (especially if you know how to make a video), so you’ll need to learn to focus more on the work and not on how you’ll be paid. Get a camera. If you get a camera, it will help you with your camera skills if you take the time to learn how to use it. The video editing skills you learn will help you make good videos, but it would be a waste not to have an advanced video editing/video production class if you are already good at this. I don’t recommend that you learn a computer program for video editing before you learn video editing, since you may never get it. That’s also why you don’t need to study film or editing to become an editor; that’s only for people who aren’t already good at this.

If you get a camera, it will help you with your camera

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