Are artists brains different? – Virtual Instructor Blog

Yes. I’m a very curious, inquisitive and curious-thinking person and I think we have some inherent differences in our brains. I believe that this has been studied since we first learned about language, and has been known for many years, although it didn’t really make a lot of sense to a lot of people. But […]

Is art a talent or a skill? – The Virtual Instructor Reviews

That depends on your position but art appears to be a skill. It must come out of experience. To do any great work it has to be practiced. It can’t just be a flash of an idea. Every great artist has to work on an idea that becomes their signature. To learn to be a […]

Can adults learn to draw? – Drawing And Painting Lessons

Some people are drawn to drawing. What I would love is some sort of educational video where you showed me some drawings and I could then take them and we could create a computer program or something of that sort for my child to practice on. Do you teach children to draw? The way I […]

Are artists brains different? – Online Portrait Drawing Classes

Yes and no. They think differently and communicate differently, but their brains have the biggest impact on the way we think about the world. When we think about how a piece of music relates to other music, our brains tend to think about how those songs relate to other pieces of music that are similar […]

Can I learn painting online? – Drawing Coach

I’d appreciate a good guide I’d appreciate a good guide How to get the best price for your work on the market How to get the best price for your work on the market I need a good teacher I need a good teacher You should know what you need to do to show good […]

Is painting easier than drawing? – Acrylic Painting Courses Online

It’s not like a big, abstract drawing. Your brush head is much more in the game. Can the painting be sped up? We really haven’t looked into it yet. For now we’re not planning to speed up the painting experience. How many levels will there be? It’s going to be about as much as we […]

How do you start a canvas painting? – Art Lessons Youtube

As I said, the first thing you have to do is to get your brush in a place where it touches water, and that will set your canvas free. Then, to make sure that the brush is in a place where water will not wash it away, paint it with the same colour you used […]

How can I teach myself to paint? – Online Art Classes India

To master any art, you have to practice on things that you can actually paint. Your painting skills will grow more effective through practice. Some painting techniques, however, you can learn to do in a very short time. These techniques include shading, glazing, and outlining. If you try these techniques, you’ll probably notice a much […]